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Milrem Robotics on Euroopa juhtiv robootika ja autonoomsete süsteemide arendaja. Meie missioon on pakkuda innovaatilisi robotlahendusi väljakutsuvatesse keskkondadesse, eelkõige kaitse, põllumajanduse, metsanduse, munitsipaalteenuste, päästetööde ja kaevandamise valdkonnas. Oma toodetega tahame vabastada inimesed üksluiste ja ohtlike tööde tegemisest, luues samal ajal kõrgema lisandväärtusega töökohti, Meie põhilised tooted on mehitamata sõiduk THeMIS, mis on kasutusel üheksas riigis üle maailma, mehitamata lahingmasin Type-X ning kommertsturule suunatud mehitamata sõiduk Multiscope.
Milrem Robotics was established in 2013. Our mission is to provide innovative robotics solutions for challenging environments. We believe that our cutting-edge robotics solutions fulfil a higher purpose – enabling more meaningful lives.
Respect for the value of human life is our top priority, and we aim to retrieve people from danger areas and liberate them from dirty, dull, and dangerous tasks. Through our products and services, we seek to increase human safety and labour efficiency in a number of targeted industries, particularly in defence, agriculture, forestry, municipal services, rescue and mining.
By sparing and protecting human lives via innovative technology, we promote the idea of people dedicating time to realizing their true potential. We treasure lives lived to their fullest.
Milrem Robotics was established in 2013. Our mission is to provide innovative robotics solutions for challenging environments. We believe that our cutting-edge robotics solutions fulfil a higher purpose – enabling more meaningful lives.
Respect for the value of human life is our top priority, and we aim to retrieve people from danger areas and liberate them from dirty, dull, and dangerous tasks. Through our products and services, we seek to increase human safety and labour efficiency in a number of targeted industries, particularly in defence, agriculture, forestry, municipal services, rescue and mining.
By sparing and protecting human lives via innovative technology, we promote the idea of people dedicating time to realizing their true potential. We treasure lives lived to their fullest.
MILREM AS tööpakkumised
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