2023-08-23 14:48:55

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Developer

1500 - 3500 €/kuus Bruto
100% kaugtöö

Töö kirjeldus

*Please note that the mentioned salary is in NET value due to international employment.

scandiweb is an eCommerce and development company from Latvia working globally, and we are building a new competency center in Microsoft Dynamics. 

If you like what you do and seek a new company with a dynamic and growing environment, we welcome you to join the expert team and drive the technical stream's success to new heights!

Ootused kandidaadile


  • Hands-on experience in developing solutions using Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM;
  • Strong understanding of customizing and extending Dynamics 365 CRM using plugins, workflows, and custom scripts;
  • Proficiency in C#, .NET, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for custom development within Dynamics 365;
  • Proficiency in working with APIs, web services, and integrations between Dynamics 365 and other systems;
  • Experience in developing solutions using Power Platform, including Power Automate and Power Apps;
  • Experience with SQL Server for querying and managing CRM data;
  • Knowledge of CRM data management, including data modeling, migrations, and handling large datasets;
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Azure services, including Azure DevOps, Azure Logic Apps, Azure Functions, and other integrations;
  • Ability to diagnose and resolve technical issues within the CRM system;
  • Experience in providing ongoing support, maintenance, and enhancements to Dynamics 365 solutions;
  • Confident and professional communication with customers;
  • Proficient in written and spoken English;
  • Knowledge of Agile or Scrum methodologies.


  • Design, develop, and customize solutions using Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM to meet business requirements;
  • Extend the CRM functionality through custom plugins, workflows, and scripts;
  • Implement integrations between Dynamics 365 CRM and other systems;
  • Ensure seamless data flow and synchronization across platforms;
  • Develop applications and automation workflows using Power Platform;
  • Monitor and optimize CRM performance, implementing enhancements as needed;
  • Diagnose and resolve technical issues within the CRM system promptly;
  • Offer continuous support, maintenance, and upgrades for existing Dynamics 365 solutions;
  • Address user-reported issues and ensure system stability;
  • Communicate technical concepts effectively to non-technical stakeholders.

Ettevõte pakub

What we offer

  • Competitive starting salary relative to the market;
  • Substantial monetary bonuses based on successful lead conversion to client;
  • Exciting travel opportunities;
  • Support for hardware upgrades;
  • Core health insurance coverage and sports bonuses;
  • A diverse multinational team of experts to learn from;
  • Company-covered training and certification;
  • Legendary online and onsite events to celebrate our success together.

Pakutavad hüved ja soodustused

Erialased arenguvõimalused
Ettevõttes osaluse saamise võimalus
Iseseisvus oma töö korraldamisel
Kaasaegne töökeskkond
Kaasav töökultuur (töötajate arvamusega arvestamine)
Kaugtöö võimalus
Motiveeriv lisahüvede pakett
Organisatsioonisisesed head karjäärivõimalused
Paindlik tööaeg
Paindlikud võimalused töö- ja isikliku elu ühitamiseks
Peresõbralik tööandja
Rahvusvahelise karjääri võimalused
Spordiga tegelemise toetus
Tööaja osas arvestatakse töötajate arvamusega