2023-08-23 14:48:55


Töö kirjeldus

Your main taskswill be:

  • Quality related documentation management
  • Annualupdate and administration of all company procedures relatedto quality documentation.
  • Participation in internal and externalaudits), management reviews,improve processes.
  • Performance of hazard and risk analysis (HACCP

Ootused kandidaadile

The successful candidate will have:

▪Higher education or higher professional education in progress

▪Work experience related to food safety and quality management

.▪Strong knowledge of quality standards and procedures, HACCP(especially food industry).

▪Ability to work with crosscountry, cross functional teams .

▪Knowledge of auditing and quality inspection techniques (preferred).

▪A keen eye for detail anda results driven approach.

▪Good communication, team working attitude.

▪Very good command of English (at least B2 level). Knowledge ofRussian is an advantage.

▪Excellent knowledge of MicrosoftOffice

Ettevõte pakub

Weoffer you

•Diversified and responsible work in an internationalcompany

•A chance tocontribute to the launch of a new warehouse . Movingto the new warehouse site March 2025

•Friendly and modern workingenvironment

•Inhouse benefits


Kandidaatidega võtame ühendust hiljemalt 2 nädalat peale konkursi lõppu.
Kandideerimisel palun lisada juurde ka kaaskiri.

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