2023-08-23 14:48:55

Salary comparison: What kind of wages are employers currently offering on job ads?


Salary comparison: What kind of wages are employers currently offering on job ads?

The highest salary is being offered to software developers, where the average salary offer is over 4000 euros per month, reveals salary comparison of the most popular job advertisements published on Estonian leading job site CVKeskus.ee.
In July, jobseekers were most interested in goods assemblers, office assistants and customer service job ads – some of these vacancies generated over 1000 applications. However, when comparing the salaries, these popular professions are found in the lower half of the table.

The job in which people have the potential to earn the most is in software development where lack of workforce has been one of the major forces to increase the salaries within the previous years. Employers are still offering software developers by far the highest salary in the range of 3000 – 4100 euros per month when comparing the most popular job ads.

Developers are followed by professionals from the construction sector – salaries being offered to site managers begin from 2000 and go up to 2400 euros on average & project budgeting specialists from 1700 to 2300 euros. Also, sales managers salary offers start from 1300 and go up to 2300 euros on average and lawyers 1500 to 2000 euros on average.

Rounding out the top of the rankings are another two professions in the construction sector – welders and electricians. Employers are currently offering salaries from 1500 – 1900 euros for electricians on average and 1400 – 1750 euros for welders. The average wage range offered to sales representatives is 1100 – 1900 euros.

Wages that are higher than the national average are also being offered for nurses and accountants, where the gross range is from 1600 – 1700 on average for nursing staff and 1500 – 1700 euros for accounting specialists.

The average salary being offered to teachers on the job advertisements is from 1300 – 1350 euros, while marketing assistants and -specialists are being offered 1250 – 1300 euros, chefs 1100 – 1300 euros, goods assemblers 1000 – 1300 euros and couriers and office assistants 1000 – 1200 euros.

Salaries for customer service staff range from 850 – 1100 euros, while cleaners are being offered 700 – 950 euros.

“Even though it is not required by law to show the salary offers on the job ads in Estonia, it is highly recommended as transparent hiring speeds up the recruitment process and is beneficial for both job seekers & employers,” claims CVKeskus.ee Marketing Manager Henry Auväärt.

“From one side the salary offer clearly attracts more candidates, which means more choice and better chances of hiring the right person but it’s also the right thing to do to speed up the recruitment process since the people applying are already aware of the salary terms.”

Employers traditionally publish the range of salary and not a concrete salary number as the actual salary depends on the skills, tasks & responsibility of the new employee. Furthermore, in some sectors salary is heavily linked to the bonus systems and thus it’s needed to show the range.

The overview of salaries offered on job ads is based on 1332 job offers that were published on Estonia’s biggest job portal, CVKeskus.ee, within the previous two months (10 June-7 August 2020).