2023-08-23 14:48:55

Evening Care Teacher / Õhtuhoiu õpetaja 15.00-18.00

Töö kirjeldus


Tallinn International Kindergarten is seeking a dedicated Evening Care Teacher. The job would be the most suitable for students or individuals looking to supplement their workload with a flexible part-time position.

  • Organizing the Evening Care group: educational activities; outdoor time; assisting with the meals and getting dressed.
  • There are 13-15 children aged 2-7 years in the Evening Care group.
  • Teaching and communication is in English;
  • The working hours are Mon-Fri 15.00-18.00;

The position opens starting from end of March.

- laste aitamine rutiinsetes tegevustes (riietumine, söömine, õppetöö), ruumide korrashoid;
- Rühmas on 10 last vanuses 2-7 a. Õppetöö ja suhtlemine toimub inglise keeles;
- Tööaeg on E-R 15.00-18.00;

ищем асистента воспитателя сo знанием английского языка, в обязанности которого входит работа с детьми 15-18.00

Ootused kandidaadile


We are looking for an Evening Care Teacher who:

  • Is caring, patient, and enjoys working with young children.
  • Has 1-2 years of experience working with children.
  • Possesses conversational-level proficiency in English.
  • Demonstrates efficiency, responsibility, and attention to detail.

- õpetaja asistent naudib tööd väikeste lastega ja armastab neid;
- töökogemus lastega vähemalt 1-2 aastat;
- inglise keele oskus suhtlustasemel;
- kiirus, puhtus, kohusetundlikkus.

Ettevõte pakub


What We Offer:

  • A peaceful and supportive work environment within a friendly team.
  • A moderate workload for balanced responsibilities.
  • Modern working conditions and welcoming colleagues.

Rahulik töö sõbralikus kollektiivis,
Mõõdukas töökoormus 
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