2023-08-23 14:48:55


Last modified on: 18/03/2024

To safeguard and improve the functioning of our platform, users are encouraged to report any content which can be deemed illegal in accordance with the Digital Services Act.

Content is illegal if it:

 - in itself conflicts with any European Union or Estonian law;
 - refers to a violation of any European Union or Estonian law;
 - violates the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy of CV Keskus.

The internal notice and action mechanism of CV Keskus for content reporting can be accessed here: Notice and action mechanism for content complaints.

The report must contain the following elements:

 - A sufficiently clear explanation for why you consider the content to be illegal.
 - A clear reference to the content in question. This can be achieved by attaching the specific URL address of the content or a sufficient amount of additional information regarding the content, which would make it identifiable.
 - Your name and email address (except for the submission of notices relating to offences referred to in Articles 3 to 7 of Directive 2011/93/EU of Directive 2011/93/EU in which cases anonymous reports can be made by contacting info@cvkeskus.ee).
 - A statement confirming your bona fide (good faith) belief that the information and allegations contained in the report are accurate and complete.

Once you have submitted a report, CV Keskus will initiate the following internal investigation procedure:

1. CV Keskus will examine each report and notify the submitter of the respective report of the result of the investigation.
2. If illegal content is confirmed to have been detected, the content will be deleted, and the publisher of the content will be notified about the deletion/restriction of the content.
3. The publishers can appeal against the decision within 6 months after the decision has been taken. They can do so by requesting a repeat inspection of the content. Such requests can be submitted to CV Keskus’ internal complaint-handling system, which can be accessed here: Internal Complaint Handling Mechanism. If additional information is required, then CV Keskus reserves the right to request additional information about the appeal request. All appeal requests shall be handled diligently. The appeal request sender will be notified of the decision as soon as the decision has been taken by CV Keskus. If the decision differs from the initial decision taken prior to the appeal, the sender of the initial report will also be notified accordingly.

Out-of-court dispute settlement

 - A review of the decision can be requested at an out-of-court dispute settlement body, court or authority.

 - Such out-of-court dispute settlement bodies are certified organs which act independently and without prejudice. Such bodies must be expressly certified as such by EU Member States. The only condition for starting such a procedure is that you must first attempt to settle the disputed matter directly with CV Keskus and you exhaust all available internal remedies. You can find the relevant out-of-court dispute resolution body for Estonian consumers here: Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority.

Legal proceedings

 - Legal proceedings can be initiated against the decision and/or the decision of the appeal.